Our kickoff brunch is on September 16 and I can't wait. There is child care provided also on site! Please give me a call if you are interested in joining us!!
Bryekin played the bean bag toss game. When he picked out his prize, he felt the need to throw that right into the hole also! The first prize he picked out of a whole bucket of prizes was a yellow happy face keychain. From there on out, each time he won a prize he picked the same ole' happy face keychain. By the end of the day, he was the owner of four different colored happy face coin keychains.
The Splatter Sisters started their concert with the name song, you know...Bryekin Bryekin Bo Breykin Banana Fannah, etc. Boo loved the music and had a good time dancing along. He was tooooo funny!
Grandma even joined in on the dancing fun!!!