There were cows, pigs, lambs, goats, horses, miniature horses, a baby camel, a lama, roosters, rabbits, etc, all which are right up Bryekin's alley!! A teacher of mine from high school was there and she is in charge of the fair, so she got Bryekin up close and personal with a calf!! He was able to pet her and it even moo'd, a sound that Bryekin thinks every animal makes!! Also, for a nominal fee of $.25, we went into the petting zoo and petted goats, a llama, a rooster and a bunny!!
They had a mini kids carnival where Bryekin won some cool prizes like crayons, a coloring book, a capsule that you put in water and it turns into a spongy crab, stickers, and a sucker. Below is a pic of the ball toss game where Bryekin got all three balls in the hole, this is how he won his box of crayons!! I wonder if the distance Bryekin stood from the holes made any difference in his 3 for 3??!!
The gal made Bryekin a balloon dog which went all over the fair grounds with us and he LOVED it!! However, on the way home, it popped:( Bummer!
We rounded off the afternoon with a grilled cheese sandwich and chocolate milk that the 4H clubs were selling at the concession stand.
After the fair we hit up Kohls and Target. How can one be in Eau Claire and not stop there??
After we got home we hung out with dad for awhile and then got ready for Chase's wedding reception!! Donna looked AMAZING as the mother of the groom and Paul didn't look bad in his tux either. Little Miss Mya, Donna's granddaughter, was a hit out on the dance floor and during her break she even shared her marshmallows with Bryekin! Congrats Chase and Kelli!!