After picking up Molly, Ned, and Donnie at the airport Sunday night, we stayed at the Holiday Inn Waterpark in Elk River, MN (awesome place!!) The next morning we played at the waterpark before making the trek north, Molly and I in one car and the boys in the other.
Our cabin was wonderful...three bedrooms, three baths, a kitchen, large living room, and a large deck and picnic table!! Not to mention all with a view of Gull lake!!
We grilled out most of the week; fajitas, tenderloin, brats, etc along with all the trimmings. YUM!!
Here are some pics from the weeks events:
Bryekin went tubing for his first time!!!
Molly and I tubed together!!!
Group shot, minus the real boat captain. Bryekin would argue that HE is the real captain!!!
Group shot minus Grammy, the real captain came back!!!
The gang heading down to the boat for a day out on the water!!!
Bryekin thought this moose was awfully cool, which he was, but then he wouldn't touch him??
Bryekin and I at breakfast in the Grand Dining room our last morning.
Grandpy, Bryekin, and Ned building a castle in the sand before we took off in the boat. I do believe that this was the day before Grammy Sherry took a tumble off the dock and twisted her ankle!!
Bryekin's turtle Oscar won the heat race in the Tiny Tot division. He then placed 2nd overall out of about 70 kids under 5.
Grammy and Boo barely got beat out in the grandparent/grandchild race.