Bryekin had his one year check up two Fridays ago and one of the shots he got was the MMR shot. The doctor said to watch Bryekin 7-10 days after the injection because there are side effects such as rashes and fevers. Boy was he right. Bryekin has always done so well with all his shots, but he ended up with a slight rash which is mostly gone now, but he has had a fever for a few days now and even ended up with the runny nose/cough thing. That means he doesn't feel up to par and when he doesn't feel up to par, he doesn't sleep real well. Actually, not well AT ALL!!! Last night we were up for about 5 hours throughout the night, but we were able to watch the storms that came through which was actually kind of cool. The only non-cool part about it was that due to all the rain, the sprinkler installer people rescheduled!!!!
Last Sunday, Grandpa and Grandma P, Bryekin and I went for a boat ride out on Tainter Lake. It was nice to get out on that lake before it turned into the green slime. It was already starting to turn, so that will probably be our only time out there this year. Lake Wissota/Gull Lake here we come!!! Someone had a little too much excitement and decided to snooze.

We are looking forward to a wonderful weekend, no working for me!!!!
Happy Father's Day to my daddio and to Bryekin's daddy!!!