We started the day with a pancake and scrambled egg breakfast, followed by a wonderful nap. After a grilled cheese and puff lunch, we packed up and Brent and I took Bryekin to Irvine Park and then to dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings (Bryekin's choice.)
The black bear exhibit was certainly the best!! The bear was literally about an inch away from us, through the glass of course, and Bryekin thought it was so funny that the bear licked the window!!
After checking out all the animals and walking around we took some time to play on the swings. Boo was such a good buy, but he took in so much fresh air he got a little tired. We headed out and made a stop at the Walmart and Menards and then off to Buffalo Wild Wings to meet Grandma Sherry for dinner!!
Bryekin even got some ice cream and a hat from our waitress!!
After dinner we headed home and we were able to celebrate even more with Grandma and Grandpa Leach. Grandma Leach even got Bryekin his own cake!! Of course he loved the cake, but I think what he loved even more was squeezing the cake through his fingers!!
Bryekin also managed to get his hands on Mommy and boy if that was the funniest thing ever!!!
Daddy was able to steer clear, but he ended up with high chair cleaning duty after all was said and done!!!