I know I already did my daily post, but my dad just sent me a few pictures that I thought I'd share.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Boo's Fun Weekend
I know I already did my daily post, but my dad just sent me a few pictures that I thought I'd share.
Weekend Activities
Saturday morning began with Bryekin snuggling in bed with Brent and I. What a wonderful way to start the day. My mom and dad came over around 930 and we took Bryekin to "Breakfast on the Farm.". There were soooo many people there, but the Belgian waffles were worth the wait!! They had a petting zoo set up and Bryekin seems to be a fan of llamas and goats. Free ice cream too. I think I will make this a tradition. I remember my mom taking Molly and I when we were little and I remember having so much fun. I am going to pass that on to Bryekin. He also got to sit on a couple tractors and he saw a newly born calf. I pointed to the cows and said, "cow, moooooooo, moooooo." Bryekin responded, "moo." Too damn cute!!!

After breakfast, Bryekin went with G&G P to Eau Claire for the rest of the weekend as Brent and I had to work and I had my friend Jen's baby shower today. Brent and I went out to the Pioneer last night to meet some of Brent's co-worker's as it was one of the girl's 30th birthday (Happy Birthday Kari)!! It was a lot of fun as we ended up knowing a bunch of other people out there too. My friends Lanny and Shane showed up as did Trooper Sean and his wonderful wife Kelly. I only recently met Kelly, but she is such a doll. Anyways...
Although Bryekin's b-day was last week, he scored a new water table from G&G P!! It looks sooo much fun and I'm thinking I need to get him one for our house. As we all know, he absolutely LOVES, LOVES, LOVES the water and swimming.

Sassy Grandpa squirting Boo with water from the walrus!!!

I finally start my three days off tomorrow (well, technically tonight at 11 p.m.) and I can't wait!!!
What a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!!!
After breakfast, Bryekin went with G&G P to Eau Claire for the rest of the weekend as Brent and I had to work and I had my friend Jen's baby shower today. Brent and I went out to the Pioneer last night to meet some of Brent's co-worker's as it was one of the girl's 30th birthday (Happy Birthday Kari)!! It was a lot of fun as we ended up knowing a bunch of other people out there too. My friends Lanny and Shane showed up as did Trooper Sean and his wonderful wife Kelly. I only recently met Kelly, but she is such a doll. Anyways...
Although Bryekin's b-day was last week, he scored a new water table from G&G P!! It looks sooo much fun and I'm thinking I need to get him one for our house. As we all know, he absolutely LOVES, LOVES, LOVES the water and swimming.
Sassy Grandpa squirting Boo with water from the walrus!!!
I finally start my three days off tomorrow (well, technically tonight at 11 p.m.) and I can't wait!!!
What a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
What a wonderful 1st B-day weekend!!!
This past weekend was one filled with family, friends, and FUN!!! On Saturday afternoon, Cousin Sara and Joe, Aunt Mary, Grandma, cousin Josh, and cousin Zoe arrived into town from Marinette/Menomonee, MI. After we got Grandma settled in at my house, we went over to my mom and dad's for a BBQ. Molly and Ned had flown in Thursday night from Fort Worth, TX, so they were there to join in too!! After a few games of ladder gold and cribbage, we enjoyed a wonderful shish kabob dinner. I forget how yummy they are since we really don't have them that often, I'll have to make them more!!
Sunday morning consisted of getting all the food ready for Bryekin's party. My grandma did a wonderful job of making all the side dishes and getting everything ready!! Grandma Dee brought a pasta salad and Grandma Sherry made some taco dips.
Grandma Sherry and Molly also picked up some balloons which were a great addition to the other decorations!!

Around 2 p.m. the garage starting filling up and the party began!!! Chit chatting, cribbage playing, and ladder golf seemed to be the big hits.

Bryekin had a wonderful lunch before he dug into his cake.

After cake and a bath for Bryekin, it was time to open gifts!! Bryekin received many wonderful gifts including of course his swing set and swing, a new Kawasaki ATV, a cozy coupe police car, a bowling set, golf clubs, books and adorable outfits!! He is such a lucky boy!!!

Bryekin was such a good boy all day long. He made his rounds amongst all the attendees and also showed off his new toys. He made it until about 630-7 p.m. before he cuddled with Aunt Molly for a nap.

Brent and the guys started a bonfire at dusk and even after everyone left, Brent and I hung out for a few hours around the fire. What a wonderful way to end the evening!!
Sunday morning consisted of getting all the food ready for Bryekin's party. My grandma did a wonderful job of making all the side dishes and getting everything ready!! Grandma Dee brought a pasta salad and Grandma Sherry made some taco dips.
Grandma Sherry and Molly also picked up some balloons which were a great addition to the other decorations!!
Around 2 p.m. the garage starting filling up and the party began!!! Chit chatting, cribbage playing, and ladder golf seemed to be the big hits.
Bryekin had a wonderful lunch before he dug into his cake.
After cake and a bath for Bryekin, it was time to open gifts!! Bryekin received many wonderful gifts including of course his swing set and swing, a new Kawasaki ATV, a cozy coupe police car, a bowling set, golf clubs, books and adorable outfits!! He is such a lucky boy!!!
Bryekin was such a good boy all day long. He made his rounds amongst all the attendees and also showed off his new toys. He made it until about 630-7 p.m. before he cuddled with Aunt Molly for a nap.
Brent and the guys started a bonfire at dusk and even after everyone left, Brent and I hung out for a few hours around the fire. What a wonderful way to end the evening!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Bryekin turned one year old yesterday!!! Where did the last year go?
We started the day with a pancake and scrambled egg breakfast, followed by a wonderful nap. After a grilled cheese and puff lunch, we packed up and Brent and I took Bryekin to Irvine Park and then to dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings (Bryekin's choice.)
The black bear exhibit was certainly the best!! The bear was literally about an inch away from us, through the glass of course, and Bryekin thought it was so funny that the bear licked the window!!

After checking out all the animals and walking around we took some time to play on the swings. Boo was such a good buy, but he took in so much fresh air he got a little tired. We headed out and made a stop at the Walmart and Menards and then off to Buffalo Wild Wings to meet Grandma Sherry for dinner!!

Bryekin even got some ice cream and a hat from our waitress!!
After dinner we headed home and we were able to celebrate even more with Grandma and Grandpa Leach. Grandma Leach even got Bryekin his own cake!! Of course he loved the cake, but I think what he loved even more was squeezing the cake through his fingers!!

Bryekin also managed to get his hands on Mommy and boy if that was the funniest thing ever!!!

Daddy was able to steer clear, but he ended up with high chair cleaning duty after all was said and done!!!
We started the day with a pancake and scrambled egg breakfast, followed by a wonderful nap. After a grilled cheese and puff lunch, we packed up and Brent and I took Bryekin to Irvine Park and then to dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings (Bryekin's choice.)
The black bear exhibit was certainly the best!! The bear was literally about an inch away from us, through the glass of course, and Bryekin thought it was so funny that the bear licked the window!!
After checking out all the animals and walking around we took some time to play on the swings. Boo was such a good buy, but he took in so much fresh air he got a little tired. We headed out and made a stop at the Walmart and Menards and then off to Buffalo Wild Wings to meet Grandma Sherry for dinner!!
Bryekin even got some ice cream and a hat from our waitress!!
After dinner we headed home and we were able to celebrate even more with Grandma and Grandpa Leach. Grandma Leach even got Bryekin his own cake!! Of course he loved the cake, but I think what he loved even more was squeezing the cake through his fingers!!
Bryekin also managed to get his hands on Mommy and boy if that was the funniest thing ever!!!
Daddy was able to steer clear, but he ended up with high chair cleaning duty after all was said and done!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Baby Boo's Arrival
One year ago today I was sitting in my hospital room at Abbott Northwestern in Minneapolis making wedding invitations for my friends Brett and Jen's wedding. A lonely Monday as everyone had to go back to work, so there I sat keeping myself busy with the invites.
I had been put into the hospital one week before this day as at an appointment for a level 2 ultrasound to check the baby's kidney's, my blood pressure spiked and the doctor ordered me to complete bed rest until the baby was born (this could be a day, a week, a month, who knew.) I had Brent with me most of the previous week as well as visits from my parents, Brent's parents, Steph, Jen, etc. But as the new week began, I sent Brent home to work so he didn't "waste" days off. Later Monday night after my daily phone calls, I went to bed only to awake with horrible pain sometime in the wee early morning hours Tues. I was able to fall back asleep, but awoke again an hour or so later with more pain. Back to sleep again, but sometime around 4-ish, the pain was so back that I felt like someone just stabbed me. I rang for my nurse who ordered blood work which actually came back normal.
I spoke with Brad on his way to work and he jokingly said to me, "feel free to get me out of work today!" Lynn called around noon and told me she had gotten the "call" and was on her way to Madison, hoping to be there in time for the birth of her granddaughter. Brent had not shown up yet as he started his days off and I was not being very patient about that. About a half hour later, my lunch had arrived and since I had gestational diabetes, I rang for the nurse who had to take my blood sugar before I ate. She commented that my 2nd set of blood tests had just come back, so she was going to look at those and then come in. A few moments later, running to my room, the nurse arrived telling me not to eat. My blood work showed issues with my liver and in turn the pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure) attacked my liver. There was only one way to get rid of that and save me and that was to take out the baby.
Now since this was 6 weeks before my actual due date, I was kind of freaking out, okay really freaking out. Who would have known that Baby Bryekin was coming into this world that day!!! An hour or so later, off to the operating room I went for an emergency c-section and at 3:41 p.m., Baby Bryekin was born. Weighing in at 3lb 4oz and 15 inches long, he came out crying, cries that could be heard in the waiting room!! I was able to hold him and then Brent went with him to the special care nursery. I went to the recovery room for a bit and was met by my mom!!!
Five more days in the hospital for me, 21 more days in the hospital for Bryekin and we were home bound. I made it to the hospital every single day Bryekin was there and Brent made almost every day. We tried to stay overnight every other night also.
Now that one whole year has passed, there is absolutely NOTHING I would change involving Bryekin's arrival. Although basically nothing went "as planned," things happen for a reason and this is definitely an example of that. Brent and I believe that we have the most wonderful, perfect, adorable son who is the best thing that has ever happened to us!!!!!
I had been put into the hospital one week before this day as at an appointment for a level 2 ultrasound to check the baby's kidney's, my blood pressure spiked and the doctor ordered me to complete bed rest until the baby was born (this could be a day, a week, a month, who knew.) I had Brent with me most of the previous week as well as visits from my parents, Brent's parents, Steph, Jen, etc. But as the new week began, I sent Brent home to work so he didn't "waste" days off. Later Monday night after my daily phone calls, I went to bed only to awake with horrible pain sometime in the wee early morning hours Tues. I was able to fall back asleep, but awoke again an hour or so later with more pain. Back to sleep again, but sometime around 4-ish, the pain was so back that I felt like someone just stabbed me. I rang for my nurse who ordered blood work which actually came back normal.
I spoke with Brad on his way to work and he jokingly said to me, "feel free to get me out of work today!" Lynn called around noon and told me she had gotten the "call" and was on her way to Madison, hoping to be there in time for the birth of her granddaughter. Brent had not shown up yet as he started his days off and I was not being very patient about that. About a half hour later, my lunch had arrived and since I had gestational diabetes, I rang for the nurse who had to take my blood sugar before I ate. She commented that my 2nd set of blood tests had just come back, so she was going to look at those and then come in. A few moments later, running to my room, the nurse arrived telling me not to eat. My blood work showed issues with my liver and in turn the pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure) attacked my liver. There was only one way to get rid of that and save me and that was to take out the baby.
Now since this was 6 weeks before my actual due date, I was kind of freaking out, okay really freaking out. Who would have known that Baby Bryekin was coming into this world that day!!! An hour or so later, off to the operating room I went for an emergency c-section and at 3:41 p.m., Baby Bryekin was born. Weighing in at 3lb 4oz and 15 inches long, he came out crying, cries that could be heard in the waiting room!! I was able to hold him and then Brent went with him to the special care nursery. I went to the recovery room for a bit and was met by my mom!!!
Five more days in the hospital for me, 21 more days in the hospital for Bryekin and we were home bound. I made it to the hospital every single day Bryekin was there and Brent made almost every day. We tried to stay overnight every other night also.
Now that one whole year has passed, there is absolutely NOTHING I would change involving Bryekin's arrival. Although basically nothing went "as planned," things happen for a reason and this is definitely an example of that. Brent and I believe that we have the most wonderful, perfect, adorable son who is the best thing that has ever happened to us!!!!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Boo's Swingset
What a relief, after many, many, many hours of putting thousands of pieces together, Bryekin's swingset is finally complete. Thanks to the help of Grandma and Grandpa Pogrant and Grandma and Grandpa Leach, the Sierra playset is basically ready for play time. We still have some mulch to put down as well and some rock in the picnic table area, but other than that, it's DONE!!!!!!!!!!


Bryekin is also the proud new owner of a baby swing that he LOVES to swing in. Only a big boy swing came with the set, so G & G Po got Boo a baby swing for his b-day. Brent and I also purchased a ~steering wheel~ which Grandpa L bolted to the wall in the top fort. Since Boo absolutly LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to drive (see picture below), we definately thought the wheel was appropriate!! He already tried it out and loved it!! With living in the country, Brent and I really wanted Boo to have a nice play area since we don't have any Bryekin sized kids in the area. I think he'll be happy.
Bryekin is also the proud new owner of a baby swing that he LOVES to swing in. Only a big boy swing came with the set, so G & G Po got Boo a baby swing for his b-day. Brent and I also purchased a ~steering wheel~ which Grandpa L bolted to the wall in the top fort. Since Boo absolutly LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to drive (see picture below), we definately thought the wheel was appropriate!! He already tried it out and loved it!! With living in the country, Brent and I really wanted Boo to have a nice play area since we don't have any Bryekin sized kids in the area. I think he'll be happy.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Can you hear me now?
So...I got another new phone; the Blackberry Curve 8330, red in color!!!

I had switched Brent and I to AT&T and then after a few days, I absolutely HATED my phone and the service!!! So frustrating!! Brent liked his phone and doesn't mind the service, so I kept him at AT&T and I switched back to Alltel. Ah, much better!! I should have just kept us with the same company from the get go and then I wouldn't have had to deal with all the hassle. Oh well, done deal now!!
Amanda's Tip of the Week:
If you have been with a certain insurance company for more than a few years, check into other companies. We recently switched our homeowner's and auto insurances to Metlife. Our previous carrier was State Farm and they were GREAT, but when you can save over $700 on both vehicles and about $100 on homeowners with the same exact or better coverage, why not do it!! Check it out!!

I had switched Brent and I to AT&T and then after a few days, I absolutely HATED my phone and the service!!! So frustrating!! Brent liked his phone and doesn't mind the service, so I kept him at AT&T and I switched back to Alltel. Ah, much better!! I should have just kept us with the same company from the get go and then I wouldn't have had to deal with all the hassle. Oh well, done deal now!!
Amanda's Tip of the Week:
If you have been with a certain insurance company for more than a few years, check into other companies. We recently switched our homeowner's and auto insurances to Metlife. Our previous carrier was State Farm and they were GREAT, but when you can save over $700 on both vehicles and about $100 on homeowners with the same exact or better coverage, why not do it!! Check it out!!

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