It definitely needed to be done and I am so excited that Brent took initiative today and just got it done. After relocating the rock to the inside of the edging that was almost finished last fall, he went and picked up some dirt from the neighbors and filled in the areas that were washed out. I attempted to spread out some of the dirt and I kind of lined where I wanted things to be. It's a damn good thing I am not a landscape artist for a living.
The ledge in the garage is almost done, I have stained and poly'd the railing and quarter round, now I just have to figure out how to put the thing up. Something about two end posts...hum.
We have the black dirt coming early next week, the in ground sprinkler guy after that, and finally the grass guy after that. I cannot wait to have real grass!!!! It won't be in time for Bryekin's party, but that's ok, better later than never I guess.