I arrived back in Wisconny on Monday night to temperatures in the high 40's, low 50's. Considering earlier in the day I was laying at the pool in the 85 degree weather with the sun beating down on me, those temps were a little chilly!!
Back Track...
I arrived into the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport at 930am Fridy morning and it was pouring rain. It was the worst flight I have ever taken and I was pretty confident we were going to crash. Thunder was crashing all around the plane and bolts of lightning we lighting up the sky, the turbulance was c-razyyyyyyyy. Anyways, I landed safe and sound and after Molly picked me up, we went and had pedicures.

After pedi's, lunch and shopping took place. To round out the night we went to the Texas Rangers vs Kansas City Royals baseball game at Ranger Stadium. Although the Ranger's lost, the game was a BLAST!!!

Saturday morning I was able to chill out for a bit and then we went to a BBQ at a co-worked of Ned and Molly. Ned is Molly's boyfriend and he works for Primerica. Their co-workers get together every now and then and grill out. After the BBQ we headed back to Molly's apt and got ready for our night out. Dinner at Joe T. Garcia's, YUMMY, YUMMY, YUMMY, doesn't even sum it up. Your choice for dinner consists of either fajitas or enchilada's, that's it. My mom, Cheryl and I split an order of fajitas. Molly and Ned also had fajitas and we shared a pitcher or two (ok we had three) of margaritas!!

After dinner we went to Billie Bob's, the world's largest honky tonk, for a Tracy Byrd concert and Molly and Ned hit the dance floor!!! (Sorry the pic is so small, I can't figure out how to fix it.)

Sunday morning we went to church in downtown Fort Worth. The service was good and the church is absolutly beautiful. We went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and then headed back to Molly's apt for some relaxation and some mean games of Cribbage.
Later Sunday night we headed to PF Chang's in downtown FW for dinner. There was an art festival going on and they were in the process of cleaning up, but it looked like they had a good turn out. Note to self: if you're a size 8 shoe, do not wear your mother's size 10 shoe, especially when you're going to be walking more than a few blocks!!!
Monday was the day at the pool. Although the weather was decent, Monday was the best pool day by far!!! Molly dropped us off at the airport around 430 and our flight left an hour later. I arrived home to a sleeping baby, I should have know he was going to be sleeping already, but I missed him and raced home. Oh well, I got up with him the next morning and we all had a marvelous week!!!