When we got home today I had to get going to work, but first needed to make a stop at Gillan Day Spa. I got my hair done yesterday and when I went to check out I realized that my wallet was at home. That morning I had been balancing my check book on line and I left it on the chair. Jenny, being the awesome person/hairstylist she is, told me just to swing in tomorrow and pay then. So, I told her I'd be in before work. Well.......this morning I took my wallet and put it in Bryekin's diaper bag and of course forgot to take it out when I left for town. I pulled into Gillan and literally said to myself, "you've got to me kidding me." So, I turned around, drove home, got my wallet and went back and paid. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I'm heading to Hudson in the morning for class and hopefully some shopping afterwards. There are killer sales at Kohls and Woodbury, MN is my favorite shopping destination! Bryekin goes to Meghan's and Brent heads out of town for "Gang Training" in Madison.
Brent and I are awaiting our latest purchase to arrive by ground freight. Bryekin is the proud new owner of a swing set.

He doesn't know it yet, but it is actually his b-day present from Brent and I and my mom and dad. As you can see, Bryekin thinks he is a race car driver already, so I had to order him the steering wheel.

The steering wheel already arrived last week and I let him play with it. Too funny. I LOVE that little boy.