As we continue through this horribly long, cold winter, I have decided to create a blog. We often get inquiries on how we are doing, how the baby is doing, what is new in our lives and our families lives, so I have decided it may be fun to create this blog. I am rather computer illiterate so please bear with me as I try and figure all this out!!
About us:
Brent is working for Eau Claire County and is currently on the midnight shift. I actually like him on that shift, as does he, as he can be up with Bryekin in the morning and that gives me some mommy alone time and then when I'm at work or even on my days off, Brent can still see Bryekin before he goes to work.
I am still at Dunn County working as a 911 Dispatcher for the Communication Center. In November it will be the start of my 10 year, my how time flies. We dispatch for the Menomonie Police Department and Dunn County Sheriff's Department as well as several village police departments and all of the county's fire and ems agencies including Menomonie Fire Department. The job is great as every day is different!

Bryekin is now 9 months old!! He is such a little man and the most well behaved baby ever. I swear if we were to have another it is going to be a devil child. Today was Bryekin's last class of swimming lessons at the Barron Area Community Center. He LOVES the water and he does so well, watch out Michael Phelps!! Brent was able to go with us today so he took some pictures and recorded some video. And of course Bryekin tried to show off for his dad which was pretty funny!! Bryekin crawls all over the house and stands up on everything he can. He hasn't learned yet that if he lets go of whatever he is holding on to, that he falls over. However, he has mastered sitting back down once he stands up. To us he is the best thing in the whole world and we absolutely adore him TONS and TONS. Some of his favorite things to do include reading, playing with his giraffe, doing crafts, and playing with Elmo live. A couple times a week he goes to his babysitter Meghan's. We are so incredibly lucky to have her taking care of him. She has an adorable one year old little girl who has befriended Bryekin and the two of them are often on the war path. I love hearing stories about the two of them. The kids often do the cutest craft projects and they also have circle time and story time. Meghan went to take a picture of Bryekin on his 1st day and right when she did it Kennady leaned over and gave Bryekin a kiss...too cute.

As we are all bearing this cold weather, my mom and dad are in Mexico with family friends Dean and Cheryl. I received an email picture from my dad and it was a photo of him and my mom sipping beverages while lounging in their chairs at the beach, we are a little jealous. I hope they are having a good time!

Molly is also hanging out in the nice weather as she is living in Fort Worth, TX and still teaching Spanish at Indian Springs Middle School in Keller, TX. Bryekin and I were able to fly down there over Thanksgiving so we stayed with her for several days. It was sooooo much fun. She had no idea were were coming so we went and interrupted her during her 7th peroid class. She was quite suprised!! We went golfing, wine tasting, down to the Fort Worth Stockyards for dinner at Joe T's, and we even stood in the rain at Toys R Us at 530 am on black Friday. We knew we were all growing up when Toys R Us was our first stop on the biggest shopping day of the year, although Bryekin, Emma, Alli, and Adam were quite impressed with their xmas gifts!!!
We continue to spend lots of time with "Grandma Dee and Grandpa Brad," who live next door. Grandpa Brad is back on the road and preferring it much more than the office. Grandma Dee always has Fridays off, so aside from her picking Bryekin up from his babysitter's, he also gets to spend a fair share of Friday afternoons with her and Nina the doggy. They always have tons of fun stories to share. Brad and I have the same days off except for one day so if I work on that day, Grandpa and Bryekin get their own manly one on one time until Grandma gets home. Grandma also went to open swim with us on Sunday and we had fun!! Andrea lives in town also. We are really excited to spend spring break at the waterpark in the Dells with them!!

Well, this will probably be my longest blog (I hope) and we can just update from there. Hopefully I can figure some of these options out!!