On Saturday, the Menomonie Fire Department sponsored a kickball tournament to raise money and awareness for Muscular Dystrophy (MDA). Brent played on the Sheriff's Department team and after losing their first two games in a row, they were out due to the double elimination.
My friend Courtney was working a day shift at Stout and since "nothing goes on at Stout" especially on a Saturday, she came with me to watch the games for a bit. We cheered on the MPD team which also fell to the double elimination early, so then it was on to the Menomonie FD team.

Jon was the main man on the brat grill. Kelly R and I each had a brat and it was the first time in 5 days that I actually kept food down, so I'm chalking that up to the expert grilling skills!
We all hung out for the afternoon, well for the whole evening for that matter, and had a BLAST!!!!!!!!!

After hitting up the Pioneer, we headed to Pickle Fest in Boyceville! While the men (and Heidi) stayed in the beer tent, Jen, Lanny, myself and Kelly ventured out to find some deep fried pickles!! They were the BEST deep fried pickles I have EVER had!! The cute special worker was so excited to get his picture taken with us too!!

During the middle of the convertible car parade with over 180 cars, Heidi felt the need to get her picture taken with the Pickle, so she ran across the street (in front of the cars) and tracked down the Pickle.

"THE PURPLE COBRAS" Myself, Lanny and Kelly R decided earlier in the day while still at Wakanda Park that we needed a mascot. So we came up with "The Purple Cobras."
We got matching "tats" with the PC initials and what a hit that was throughout the night! It has been a few days now since the event and I still have some of the snake stained on my skin. I've scrubbed and scrubbed, but it's just washing off!

Above is Kelly H and I at Shoes. Kelly had left after the kickball games and went to a bachelorette party in Eau Claire and then was able to meet up with us again later in the night!
Below is Kelly H embarrassing her husband Sean as after midnight it was their 1st wedding anniversary!! The dj invited them up to give some advice to a newlywed couple that had just stopped in.